Tuesday, July 14, 2009


is the modern
symbol for woman,
female, girl, daughter.

In the ancient Oracle bone
inscriptions she is a woman
on her knees, arms lowered
crossed in complete

Later, she stands up
but her waist and legs are still bent,
an obedient respectful daughter.

To me
always looked like
a girl with a hat,
or woman with arms stretched,
baby in belly.

I used to practice writing
and other characters
at a wooden table
for my mother’s nickels
as she read wuxia novels.

At night in bed she would
trace strokes with her fingertips
on my back
and I would guess
her words.

A sharp angle first,
followed by a soft curve,
finished with a level
straight line.

That’s how you write woman.
That’s how you write nu.

("Nu" won third place in the 2009 Women Who Write contest.)

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